5 Things Salespeople Will Miss About Working From Home (and 5 Things They Won’t)
As employees of all stripes start flooding back into the workplace, many of us have to unlearn the things we’ve gotten used to over the last sixteen months. Working from home has (like anything else) its upsides and downsides, and those who have enjoyed it will be unhappy about going back while those who haven’t will be glad to be around their coworkers again.
But whether you prefer the WFH life or not, there are some things you’re likely to miss and others that you’ll be glad to leave in the past. While technology has allowed us to work from anywhere, it hasn’t been all positive, and there are plenty of people who are chomping at the bit to get out of their living room and back into a more structured environment.
We can see both sides of the argument and have put together a list of some things salespeople will miss about working from home, and some things they won’t. Here they are:
Things they’ll miss:
1. Rolling out of bed before firing up the laptop
There’s nothing better than waking up at 7:59 and starting work at 8.
2. Eating an entire pizza for lunch without judgment
All that cheese, and no one around to make you feel guilty about it.
3. Avoiding negative coworkers
Much easier when they’re physically at a distance.
4. Strengthening their relationships with their pets
It’s an important bond, and quality time makes it stronger.
5. Not having to wear pants
By any objective measure, sweatpants and PJs are way more comfortable than real pants.
Things they won’t miss:
1. Wearing a hole in the living room rug from pacing back and forth
Sales is stressful, and taking that stress out on your furniture isn’t ideal.
2. Buying their own coffee
The Keurig coffee in the office kitchen might not be fancy, but it’s free!
3. Convincing themselves everybody is mad at them when nobody messages back
The late afternoon anxiety is real.
4. Complaining to the plant about the quality of leads
There is always a bit of complaining in sales — at least your coworkers get it.
5. Remote company events
Let’s be honest… a Zoom party is nothing like the real thing.