• October 4, 2016

Salespeople, 10 Ways to Find Your Prospect’s Phone Number

Let’s face it, sending an email is easy. It’s a passive way to quickly connect with your prospects. And thanks to the internet, finding a prospect’s email these days is also pretty damn easy.  But you’re never going to crush your quota by being a One Trick Pony. You need to diversify your approach and sometimes actually pick up the phone and call your contacts to make more deals.  Spiro’s AI-powered sales automation CRM can remind you who to call and when.

Well, what happens when you don’t have a prospect’s phone number? How do you get their coveted digits to make an attempt at connecting? Here are some simple ways find their number:

1. Call Their Company’s Switchboard

A quick company search will usually provide you with the main business number. Dial up that number and you will normally get a dial by name directory or a live receptionist who you can simply ask to be connected with your contact. Feeling extra gutsy? Try asking the switchboard for your prospect’s mobile number.

2. Let Me Google That

You don’t have to major in research to be able to conduct a halfway decent google search. You may be amazed at what you find just by googling your contact’s name. And chances are, you’ll also find their phone number.

3. Use a Service

There is a service for everything, so put one to use. ZoomInfo is a great way to dig up digits, and they have a great Chrome Plugin to ease your efforts.

4. Check LinkedIn

If you’re not already on LinkedIn, then you are missing out on a great way to connect and network with your peers, customers and potential prospects. Search for your prospect on LinkedIn to find out their title, or even people they are connected at their company. Try reaching out to one of their co-workers and simply ask them for your prospect’s direct line.

5. Make Up an Excuse

Saying “No” to a salesperson is harder on the phone than it is to deliver the message over email. So even if your prospects are answering your emails, you definitely want to try and get them on the phone to give them the hard pressured pitch. To get their number, try sending them an email which says, “Hey, I just tried to call you and must have the wrong number. What is your phone number?” Although it’s a lie, it can get a quick response and then you have primed them to expect a call from you.

6. The Out of Office Email Trick

I discovered this sneaky way to uncover phone numbers by accident. I sent an email to a prospect on a Friday evening, and their email auto responder was already set for the weekend. The response I received had their phone number in the message. I quickly jotted down their digits and come Monday morning was ready to pick up the phone to call them.

7. Ask Your Network

You have spent hours and day building your professional network. Now it’s time to use them! Look at any mutual connections you may have and then call up that person to ask for your prospect’s phone number. It’s also a great ice breaker to mention when you do finally get your prospect on the phone, “I got your number from Sally, who I know at ABC Company”. Connect the dots in your network to help build rapport.

8. Don’t Let Them Get Away

We have made the connection before between sales and dating. If you meet someone at a bar and you plan to follow-up, DO NOT let them out of that bar without getting their number. Same goes for a finding Mr./Mrs. Right in the Sales world. If you happen to meet someone and think there is any chance they could be a possible prospect, you have to ask for their phone number right then.

9. Try Alternative Ways

If you want to broaden your outreach methods from solely relying on emails, then the phone isn’t your only alternative. Try to engage with your prospects in other ways. Hit them up on Twitter or send them some good old fashioned mail.

10. Do It Yourself

Whatever you do, please do it yourself. There is no need to pay tons of money to a scammy internet site that gives you crap information. You can probably find the same info yourself, for free. Don’t waste your time and money. Use your time wisely, and then start making those calls!