8 Things That Happen to Salespeople Every Summer
Everybody loves summer. The days are longer, the weather is perfect (when it’s not too hot), and there are plenty of outdoor events to pass the time before the fall season kicks into gear.
Salespeople love summer too, even if the business cycle does tend to slow down in the warmer months. Between the heat and humidity, sitting in an air conditioned office and making calls isn’t so bad, especially when the deals are closing.
But aside from the weekend pool parties and barbecues, here are eight things that happen to salespeople every single summer:
1. It becomes hard to figure out what to wear
Okay, it’s 110 outside but 55 in the office. Maybe I’ll wear shorts and a winter jacket.
2. Everyone starts saying “things usually slow down in the summer”
Not only is it a great excuse, it’s also [usually] kind of true.
3. They can’t eat as much pizza
It’s difficult to finish an entire pepperoni pizza when you’re already sweating from the heat.
4. The office is empty because everyone is out on vacation
The good weeks get booked early, so for 2022, make sure you start planning in January.
5. Prospects are harder to reach
If they’re not on vacation, then they’re working by the pool and definitely not answering calls.
6. The water cooler is always empty
Water consumption goes up by at least five hundred percent.
7. They start getting ready for the Q4 push
Miracles happen in Q4, so make sure you’re filling your pipeline [and closing what you can] in Q3.
8. They come back from vacation rested, motivated, and hungry
There’s nothing like taking a week or two off to clear your mind, recharge, and get ready to crush the last few months of the year.