January is a Free Pass to Reach Out to Virtually Anyone
If there’s ever a time that you can reach out to EVERYBODY in your contacts, it’s now. The entire month of January is a free pass to get in touch with long lost prospects, current clients – even that guy in IT at that one company you’ve got your eye on.
The New Year is Open Season
Something about the New Year makes us all a little more forgiving about hearing from people we might otherwise consider out of the woodwork.
Maybe it’s because this holiday, like most of the others, is common ground we share in our culture; renewed commitments to excellence, New Year, New Me, random phone calls from people you haven’t talked to in a while – all that stuff is expected.
Any holiday, in fact, presents a great opportunity to get in front of your prospects without pushing anything.
Don’t want to come off as that annoying stereotypical sales guy who’s always looking to edge in his or her agenda? This is a great time to open with a holiday greeting followed by some relevant info and an invitation to meet up or talk again.
You Never Know Where a Simple Holiday Greeting Might Lead
A phone call that I once made to wish a happy New Year to an old prospect actually ended in a sweet deal for me.
I called a big manufacturing company I hadn’t been in touch with in a while – not in a cheesy marketing way, but just to catch up. During the call we realized that we hadn’t spoken to them during the critical budget period in the fall, when they did most of their planning for the new year. Shit.
Luckily, we discovered while talking to them that they had set aside a small budget to do a pilot with us. Reaching out during “free pass January” is what rekindled the connection to make the sale happen and, boom, we won the deal.
Spiro’s Features Can Help You Turn Up
As a new feature for the new year, we added a new “Happy New Year” email template to Spiro. I’ve been using it like crazy and getting about a 70% response rate.
If you haven’t downloaded Spiro yet, here’s the email template we’re using:
Happy New Year! I hope you got to enjoy a nice break over the holidays.
If you’re back in the office, we should chat. Let’s get something on the calendar.
Spiro was made by salespeople, for salespeople and we know you might not want to spend time on annoying things like figuring out the best person to call next or crafting emails.
In addition to the Happy New Year template, Spiro’s email templates include:
- a “quick follow up” note that you can use when you’re waiting to hear back from a prospect;
- the “email buried” email (which we learned about from our friends at HubSpot) that is almost guaranteed to get a response
- plus four different email templates to follow-up with a prospect after a meeting.
Go Hard; It’s Still January
Just because today isn’t January 1st, doesn’t mean you can’t wish someone a happy new year. Pick up the phone, or use one of our templates and reach out!