According to the Harvard Business Review, What Makes a Legendary Salesperson
What can you learn from those smart dudes at the Harvard Business Review? How about three simple tips to take your sales game to the next level.
Legendary Salespeople: Matthew Flanagan
Learn how start up veteran Matthew Flanagan navigates the busy waters of enterprise sales.
Don’t Let Your Sales Engineer Ruin Your Meetings
Is your sales engineer losing you money? Make sure they aren't doing these three things.
You Scratch My Back, I’ll Scratch Yours
Learn how small gestures can influence prospects and make a big difference to your sales quota.
The Secret To Great Introductions for Salespeople, or How Not To Blow It When Introducing Yourself
There is no quicker way to turn off your customers by screwing up the introduction. How can you make sure you're memorable -- in a good way!
Come “Meetup” With Us at Top Rep Boston on August 13th
Join us at Top Rep Boston at WeWork Fort Point for beers and prizes!
When Is It Time For Salespeople To Push Past No?
A lot of the time salespeople shouldn't take 'no' for an answer, except of course when they should. Here's how top salespeople figure that out.
Don’t Let Your Body Language Stop Your Sale
Are you aware of the signals that you're sending with your body language? Is it helping you close a deal or is it turning your prospects off?
Not Meeting Your Quota? Here’s Some Ways to Rebound!
Do you know why you're not making your quota? That's the first step in figuring it out. Learn our tips on improving the chances of hitting your goal.
How to Prevent Price Negotiations from Jeopardizing Your Deals
What can you do to avoid a breakdown in negotiations over price? The best tactic is to avoid the discussion all together. Learn how.