POLL: Is ‘Sales Guys’ A Gender Neutral Term?
Imagine the scenario where you walk into a room and address a group of coworkers. There’s a good mix of males and females – so you address the group with a quick “Hey guys, what’s going on?” Not so weird, right?
Now imagine that you work in sales – and your coworkers are again a mix of males and females. Is it then weird to address the group as “sales guys?”
One of the rules that we try to follow when writing is to vary our word selection. It gets boring for the reader to read the same terms over and over. And since this blog is dedicated to the tips, techniques and thoughts on how to create more legendary salespeople we need synonyms for “salespeople” and “salesperson.”
(Btw, you should check out the sales automation CRM we made for the same reason)
Hence our use of the term “sales guys”. We received a bit of feedback from some of our female readers that perhaps they don’t see “guys” as gender neutral as we thought.
What do you think?
Photo courtesy of Flickr user Fortune Live Media.