• September 18, 2017

Spiro’s New Features to Brighten Up Your Autumn

As summer vacations start to become to a distant memory, it’s time to focus and get busy on crushing your year end goal.

At Spiro, we’ve been busy, too! We have a lot of new features and exciting updates to share with you, our customers. (BTW, if you aren’t using Spiro yet, then what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free trial now.)

Here are our latest Spiro releases to help brighten up your Autumn:

Shared Access between Users at Same Company (Team Changes)

Spiro now allows customers to share companies and contacts across all users at their organization. In the past, all individual users would each have their own unique company record, but that is no longer the case. We also ran back-end jobs to merge all duplicate companies and contacts for all of our Spiro user organizations.

This enhancement now gives users:

  • the capability to search for Companies and Contacts across their organization, providing more collaboration and less duplication of efforts to get your deals closed.
  • the power to create individual opportunities under a company owned by another user in their organization.
  • the ability to create Reminders or set Next Steps that they can assign to other users in their organization.
  • the access to have full visibility of all interactions (emails, meetings, notes) for a contact between everyone at their organization.
  • the assurance there are no duplicate records in their system, as Spiro is now proactively preventing the creation of duplicate contacts and companies.
  • the ability to change the company ownership attribute, allowing them to keep or reassign sales territories, where applicable.
  • the capacity to build more complete Target Lists, as users can now create their lists with contacts from their entire organization.

This change not only allows better shared access throughout your organization, but also provides a great seamless transition for your customers as they move between your Account Executives and Customer Success Teams.

Web User Interface Updates

Searching, Sorting, and Selecting Enhancements

  • With our latest release, we enhanced Spiro’s searching abilities. With new custom filters for companies, contacts, and opportunities, you can now create advanced queries and save them to run at a future date.

filters new feature

  • All of our custom email templates are now sorted alphabetically, to help organize your sales life even more.
  • Spiro now supports the option to use and filter on multi-select field responses.

multi select new feature

Better Look and Flow

  • We have made some user interface enhancements to give Spiro a cleaner look. You may notice an increased font size for easier reading, and a smaller header bar, giving the important information more real estate on your screen.
  • To make data entry even simpler, we added a new dial pad interface for Spiro Voice so users can easily enter extensions during a call.

calling spiro voice feature

  • We also improved the flow between Spiro Voice and the assistant, as well as between Spiro Voice and the target lists screen. You now remain on the same screen, getting you back to your next action even quicker.


Customizing and Personalizing

  • Users can now save attachments to store their sales proposals right in Spiro.

add attachment new feature

  • We added the ability for users to create their own custom fields, through the Settings in Spiro. You now have the option to do this on your own, or our Spiro Customer Success Team is still always there to help you out!

custom field new feature

iOS / Android Updates

  • Because of the new shared access across organizational users, our mobile users can now also search all contacts and companies across the organization.
  • Managers have now access to see the opportunities for their teams. And in our next release, you will be able to filter on the Opportunity Owner.
  • We have made significant improvements for mobile users on viewing past customer interaction details. You can now drill into past activities a lot more.
  • Another enhancement is that you can now also drill into Opportunity detail right from the Spiro recommendation!

New Email Assistant Commands

Hopefully you are already taking advantage of the capabilities of our email assistant. By having a simple email conversation with assistant@spiro.ai, Spiro will automatically add in reminders, contacts, and opportunities for you, freeing up your data entry time so you can focus on selling.

We recently added two new commands that the assistant will respond to:

  • What did I do last month? (This question will prompt the assistant to show you a summary report.)
  • What did Andrew do last week? (This allows Managers to ask about what their sales reps are focusing on.)

The Spiro Assistant will respond with an email similar to this:

spiro email assistant

Spiro Light

This Summer we completed the first release of what we are calling “Spiro Light”. With this version of Spiro, your co-workers outside of the sales department have limited access to add and update activities relating to a deal you are working on. For instance, if the support team has had an interaction with one of your contacts, by using their version of Spiro Light, those notes will be made visible to the sales team. This will help Spiro give you, the salesperson, better recommendations based on a fuller picture of all interactions made with your prospects.

Schedule time with our product specialists to learn more about Spiro Light

We’d Love Your Feedback

Many of the great features we released this past month have come from users like you suggesting ideas. Let us know what you’d like to see in Spiro and we’ll work hard to get it into the next release. Email me directly at andy@spiro.ai.