Explaining Your Sales Job to Your Family, Friends, and Tinder Date
We’ve all been there. Someone asks what you do, and the minute you say “sales” they just give you a blank stare, pause, and say “Oh, okay.” Telling someone that you work in sales doesn’t always have the same “wow factor” right off the bat as telling someone that you’re a surgeon or a high-powered attorney. But, with a bit of explaining, you can show just about anyone how awesome your sales job is. You just need to know your audience.
I’m going to tell you how to explain your sales job to your family, friends, and your tinder date (or anyone else you are trying to impress).
Your Family
Having a child that works in sales is basically a parent’s dream – whether yours know it yet or not. Make sure that your parents don’t just think of you as one of those relentless, bloodthirsty telemarketers that just won’t take them off of their call list.
Emphasize the fact that sales is all about helping others, and addressing problems.
You’re basically an angel that swoops in to present a solution to a pressing issue in someone’s life – be that the need for a new car to fit their 6 children, a sweet new oven to bake their famous apple tart, or a Proactive Relationship Management platform that acts as their own personal assistant! You work with the customer, not against them. Unless you’re a terrible person who is trying to cheat the customer out of their money (these people give us a bad rap, unfortunately), you really are helping others every day!
Your Friends
Now your friends may think you’re a party-pooper if you’re always working ‘round the clock, and miss the occasional cocktail hour or two. But, give them a taste of your exciting lifestyle, and they’ll understand why you have such an intense work ethic.
Friends love a good story, and salespeople are full of them. Tell your friends about the time you flew across the country to give a big sales pitch for a huge deal, the time you met with the CEO of a big company, or even the time you closed a deal that took you months. Plus, salespeople are known to do some crazy things to close a deal (including becoming a professional duck catcher), so you definitely have something up your sleeve!
Your Tinder Date
Your Tinder date might be a little skeptical when they first hear you work in sales – you have the media’s image of a slimy salesperson to thank for that. But, when they realize your endless potential, they’ll be right back for a second date.
Now, this one’s a bit tricky. You don’t want to brag and come off as a jerk, or like you’re exaggerating completely. But, throw in a bit about how you just closed a major deal, and how you and your friends went out last week to celebrate it (if that’s true of course). And, if they ask why you like sales, it’s completely fair game to mention the unparalleled earning potential.