Taylor Swift and 3 Sales Best Practices
What can #sales professionals learn from Taylor Swift's breakup with Spotify?

The Myth of Sales Productivity
If you make a sales guy more productive, does he make more sales? Or does he have a longer lunch?

Extinction Threatens Salespeople?
Sales guys are you headed for extinction, due to the Internet? Think again.

Will All Sales People be Robots in the Future?
Think that your sales job will be replaced by a robot? It's only a matter of time.

There is No National Sales Executive Association: Lies, Misinformation and Sales Statistics
These claims are ridiculous and need to be exposed for the lies that they are. Sales people are not lazy, no matter what you hear.

Dark Cockpit CRM: Simplicity Means Sales
What can sales apps learn from the makers of the 777 cockpit simulators?