5 Things That are Likely to Change in Sales Post-COVID
While no one has a crystal ball that can predict the future, here are five things that we think are likely to change in sales after the coronavirus.

The 5 Worst Reasons to Go Into Sales
While there are some great reasons to go into sales, there are also some really bad ones too. Far too many people attempt sales for these "wrong" reasons, leading to disappointment, burnout, and high turnover.

A Day in the Life of a Salesperson as Told by Larry David
In an effort to help everyone understand what it's really like, we've enlisted our favorite curmudgeon, Larry David.

4 Sales Trends to Avoid, Even if They Sound Great
Not every new trend is good, especially in sales. In fact, here are four up-and-coming trends that you'd be best served to avoid if you want a healthy sales career.

10 Things Salespeople Do When No One is Watching
A salesperson's role is a public-facing one. But there are many hours in the day. Here are 10 of the things salespeople really do when no one is watching.

5 Ways to Motivate Your Prospects Without Being Pushy
Finding the perfect balance of being assertive without overly aggressive can be tricky in sales. Here are five ways to find that balance.

6 Ways to Effectively Use Empathy in Sales
There's a secret weapon that helps everyone succeed in sales: empathy. Here are six ways being empathetic will improve your relationships.

7 Things NOT to Do When Selling During Difficult Times
While it can be somewhat difficult to accept, selling during boom times is different than selling during challenging times. Here are some things to avoid right now.

Why Now is The Time to Sell, Not to Hide
Hunkering down might seem like a natural reaction in times of crisis. But in many cases, now is the time to sell, not to hide, both for you, and for your prospect.

5 Reasons Why Introverts Make Amazing Salespeople
While most stereotypes assume salespeople are natural extroverts, there are actually a lot of highly successful, introverted salespeople. Here are five reasons why.